Data backup & archiving

What is a data archiving system?

It is a fully comprehensive and automated solution, developed for the most demanding companies and institutions that treat data protection with the respect it deserves. One of the biggest advantages of our system is not just convenience of automated backups, it’s mainly about maintaining company operation even in face of a total data loss.


Highest level of data security

Backup creation

Automatic encryption and transmission of information only to reliable repositories

In the event of a failure, it guarantees instant recovery of all data from the originally created backup

What is included in our offer?

  • Creation of data security rules,

  • Designing a data archiving system within the existing network infrastructure,

  • Creating procedures for emergency data recovery from backup copies,

  • Scheduled data backup in an encrypted form (available on an external JNS’s server),

  • Data transfer via secure VPN tunnels (Virtual Private Network).

What does the data archiving process look like?

  1. Every 1-2 days, a full and incremental backup copies of data located on the internal backup server are created.

  2. At least once a week, encrypted and archived data is sent to an internal server.

  3. At the customer's request, once a month encrypted backup copies are burned to a DVD media and sent to the client.

  4. It is recommended by JNS to periodically review and test backups for their usability in the event of a failure.

What are the advantages of our system?

  • protects against accidental loss of files and the effects of computer hardware failure,

  • stores data in an orderly manner,

  • has a clear structure of the archive and remote access to it

  • uses encrypted data transmission,

  • stored data is located on a secure server,

  • data recovery is lightning fast and can be carried out ASAP,

  • saves time and money,

  • the system automatically archives data without negatively affecting user experience,

  • restored data is no different from the original files.

What file types can be archived?

  • accounting documents in electronic version,

  • accounting programs – databases,

  • data from databases, e.g. CRM system,

  • company documents in electronic version,

  • any and all windows and linux files.

Why is it worth taking advantage of the data archiving offer?

The system comprehensively manages your data, archives it in an appropriate way, so one does not have to worry about any occurrence that would result in permanent data loss.

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